

Product Design

Design System

Design Manager

Adam Diehl

Will Simon

Deirdre Norris

Kayla Horeftis

From product to brand and marketing, I brought the best hiring platform to life.


01 Who they are

WhoCo makes the upfront work of hiring a breeze. A recruiting platform powered by data and designed for humans.


02 Employer dashboard

Hiring for any role can be a ton of work, spread out over multiple roles. This dashboard is your roundup of everything important.


03 Your teams

Visualize your team’s strengths and working style to see where you excel and what gaps you can fill.


04 Gorgeous job postings

Make your job post shine with dynamic content that isn’t just a wall of generic text job seekers have read over and over.


05 Keep track of your candidates

Stay organized and view your candidates the way you want to.


06 Candidate spotlight

Each candidate gets a gorgeous player card to show off their stats and career history.


07 Hiring plan and interviews

Keep candidates on an even playing field by asking the same questions and using the same criteria for scoring.